Friday, 13 July 2012

Runner or couch potato?

Whilst I am waiting for progress with the new seedlings, I currently have a few other veggies on the go in the back garden... runner beans and potatoes. I have found them both easy to grow and within the next few weeks will surely give me a modest bounty for my efforts, despite the current weather...

The runner bean plants a few weeks ago
I have four runner bean plants (Scarlet Emperor) in a long trough that sits on the garden path. It amazes me every time with any bean plants the tender seedlings punch through the soil and within weeks they are snaking their way up the canes.

The runners are at the flowering stage at the moment - the first flower ably indicated above by Em's finger (her nail polish is a pretty close match too!).

Lots of potential here...!
They have since been popping out all over the place, and pretty soon if I want to see the flowers start growing into the beans, I may need to pinch the top of the plants off once they reach the top of the canes.

I also have two sets of potatoes in grow bags. This is the first time that I have done them, and I have two varieties (neither of which I can remember the name of at the moment!). The bags were fairly cheap, and I just planted five seed potatoes in each... probably a little bit of overkill there, but you're never quite sure how many you should do when you first start!

I like the fact that you can positively mistreat potatoes shoots as they grow by earthing them up and covering them over with soil, and they will still push through. They are very forgiving to the amateur grower. All you have to do is remember to water them regularly, but as we all know, water hasn't been in short supply this season!

Recently the plants have started to flower, and I'm told that once they have done so and the leaves start to wilt, it's time to go digging for the treasure that may lie beneath!

Furthermore, since starting to put this post together, I am already seeing encouraging signs from the radish drills I sowed the other day... it's a joy to actually see something growing!

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